The homes in the University Hills are zoned A1 Single Family
Residential. Generally speaking, the City-Parish A1 zoning restrictions
prohibit more than two unrelated persons from residing in a
single-family home; if the owner resides on the premises, a total of
four unrelated persons may reside in the home. The pertinent parts of
the code appear below.
What does the Unified Development Code say about renters in A1 zoning?
The Unified Development Code
(Baton Rouge Unicode) contains three
sections that deal with A-1 zoning and rental properties:
Section 8.201 A1 Single Family Residential District
The purpose of A1 is to permit low density residential development with
a maximum density of 4.1 units per acre. Accessory uses normally
compatible with surrounding low density residential development may be
Family is an individual or two (2) or more persons who are related by
blood, marriage or legal adoption living together and occupying a single
housekeeping unit with single culinary facilities; or not more than two
(2) persons, or not more than four (4) persons (provided the owner lives
on the premises) living together by joint agreement and occupying a
single housekeeping unit with single culinary facilities on a
non-profit, cost sharing basis.
Section 6.7 Violations, Penalty, and General Provisions
C. Whenever the building Official has cause to believe a violation of
Section 8.201, single family permissible uses, and Chapter 2,
definitions, has occurred, the owner and/or occupants is required to
furnish affidavits, executed before a Notary Public, under penalty of
law, attesting to the number of unrelated occupants of the house.
Failure to do so shall constitute prima facie evidence that a violation
of the single family zoning restriction has occurred.
What can be done about student parties and related parking problems?
Loud parties are prohibited by the noise ordinance. If a party is
ongoing and causing a nuisance, contact the BRPD at 389-2000 or the
EBRSO at 389-5000. Continue to the section on parking for information on
what to do about parking in the streets and in yards.
Are college students a protected class?
Does property have to be in the name of a student who lives in the
house in order for the four unrelated persons to live there, too?
The property must be owned by the student as determined by the title in
the student's name, not just his or her parent's name, in order to allow
more than two unrelated family members to cohabit.
*Can a student-owner lease/rent rooms to three others and still receive
homestead exemption?*
Yes, as long as the student is also an owner.
In regards to parents buying residences for their child with intention
to rent out to others who are unrelated, if parents give a child 1% or
5%, for example, part ownership does that constitute ownership by
student-i.e. owners now live in the residence?
Under the provisions of the Civil Code a co-owner in division has all of
the rights incident to ownership.