Event Resources
LSU Calendar of Events page : https://calendar.lsu.edu/
LSU Leisure Courses: http://www.lsu.edu/leisureclasses
Swine Palace Productions: http://www.swinepalace.org/
LSU Theatre Performances: http://www.theatre.lsu.edu/
LSU School of Music Performances: http://www.music.lsu.edu/
LSU Museum of Art: http://www.lsumoa.com/
LSU Golf Course: https://www.lsu.edu/golf/
University Recreation at LSU: http://lsuuniversityrec.com/lsuurec/
LSU Continuing Education: http://www.outreach.lsu.edu/
LSU AgCenter: http://www.lsuagcenter.com/
LSU Athletics: http://www.lsusports.net/
Baton Rouge Gallery: http://www.batonrougegallery.org
Baton Rouge River Center: http://www.brrivercenter.com
Baton Rouge Symphony Ochestra: http://www.brso.org
BREC: http://www.brec.org/
Shaw Center for the Arts: http://www.shawcenter.org
Manship Theater: http://manshiptheatre.org/
LSU Museum of Art: www.lsumoa.com
City/Parish Calendars: https://www.brla.gov/Calendar.aspx
Louisiana Sinfonietta: http://louisianasinfonietta.org
Community Calendars, Media and other resources
Culture Candy: http://www.culturecandy.org/
225 Magazine: http://www.225batonrouge.com/
Country Roads Magazine: http://www.countryroadsmagazine.com/index.php
Baton Rouge Business Report: http://www.businessreport.com/
Baton Rouge Business Report Daily Report: http://www.businessreport.com/archives/daily-report/latest/
The Advocate: http://www.2theadvocate.com/
WAFB-TV: http://www.wafb.com/
WBRZ-TV: http://www.2theadvocate.com/
WVLA-TV: http://www.nbc33tv.com/
WRKF (89.9 FM): http://www.wrkf.org/
If you know of an event that might be of interest to other members (plays, concerts, lectures, church events and the like), let the neighborhood know via our Contact page.